Sky Sports Racing have live coverage of US Racing tonight and I’ve covered every race across all NINE meetings and picked out my best bets.

LET’S END THE WEEK ON A HIGH IN AMERICA! Racing Stateside on Sunday night from Laurel Park, Belmont At The Big A, Gulfstream Park, Keeneland, Woodbine, Arapahoe Park, Golden State Racing, Santa Anita and Mountaineer Park. My Daily Double pays 5/1!

Evening Double

My Daily Double consists of both the NAP & NB and is a great way of covering my two best bets of the night to maximise profit.

Daily Double

Race 3 Woodbine 7.20 Brengungirl NEXT BEST

Race 8 Belmont At The Big A 9.20 Theresasilverlinin NAP

All bets Stateside on Sunday night.

I’ve covered every race across all NINE meetings in America on Sunday night. This includes my best bets (NAP and NB as well as Notebooks).

Laurel Park

Race 1 5.25 Theodora Grace 11/4
Race 2 5.56 Tubtimsiam 3/1
Race 3 6.26 Run Around Slew 11/4
Race 4 6.57 Our Liberty Belle 5/2
Race 5 7.28 Gift Of Gab 4/1
Race 6 8.00 Ask Isaac 11/8
Race 7 8.27 War Humor 11/4
Race 8 8.55 Golden Tabby 7/2
Race 9 9.25 Masakado 11/4
Belmont At The Big A
Race 1 5.40 Vintage Vino 5/2
Race 2 6.12 Princess Becca 2/1
Race 3 6.43 Opulent Restraint 4/5
Race 5 7.45 Jackson’s Dixie 6/1
Race 6 8.17 Nikki Brainburst 3/1
Race 9 9.50 Bobby M’s Girl 10/3
Race 10 10.20 Autumn 9/4
Gulfstream Park
Race 1 5.50 Balala 11/10
Race 2 6.20 Black Empire 11/4
Race 3 6.51 Misprint 11/8
Race 4 7.22 Big Boy Jak 7/4
Race 5 7.56 Thenorthremembers 9/4
Race 6 8.30 My Denysse 7/4
Race 7 9.04 Ashima 1/1
Race 8 9.35 Our Love 3/1
Race 10 10.38 Evanora 10/3
Race 1 6.00 Cat Pays The Toll 7/2
Race 2 6.32 Not So Holy 5/2
Race 3 7.04 Haut Les Coeurs 10/3
Race 4 7.36 Mighty Madison 10/11
Race 5 8.08 Six Kings 9/2
Race 7 9.12 Hero Status 15/8
Race 8 9.44 Surprisingly 7/2
Race 9 10.16 Banks 11/8
Race 1 6.10 Playmea Tune 1/2
Race 2 6.45 Patrolman 1/1
Race 4 7.55 Temple Hall 11/4
Race 5 8.29 Happy Valentine 9/4
Race 6 9.03 Groot 3/1
Race 7 9.36 Clayton 5/2
Race 8 10.08 Unbridled Weather 3/1
Race 9 10.40 Rondure 9/2
Race 10 11.12 Jo Daddy 9/2
Arapahoe Park
Race 1 8.00 Chuck Nazty 5/2
Race 2 8.25 Miss Josie 11/8
Race 3 8.50 Smooching 5/2
Race 4 9.15 I’m A Cool Cat 10/3
Race 5 9.40 Bugler 13/8
Race 6 10.05 El Manguito 10/3
Race 7 10.30 Presido Pete 5/2
Race 8 10.55 Stolindream 4/1
Golden State Racing
Race 1 8.45 Fast Service 9/4
Race 2 9.15 Sir Greyson 2/5
Race 3 9.45 Pennypatter 5/2
Race 4 10.15 Prince Of Del Mar 6/4
Race 5 10.47 Dangerous Game 13/8
Race 6 11.17 Almonera 13/8
Race 7 11.47 Kristin Lee 4/1
Race 8 12.17 Vegas Charm 3/1
Santa Anita
Race 1 9.00 Splendora 4/5
Race 2 9.30 Mas Rapido 3/1
Race 4 10.30 Uncle John 3/1
Race 7 12.02 Stop Digging 13/8
Race 8 12.32 Margarita Girl 4/6
Mountaineer Park
Race 1 12.00 Luminous Ruler 6/4
Race 2 12.25 Holiday Odds 7/4
Race 3 12.50 Cooler King 15/8
Race 4 1.15 Escape Velocity 4/1
Race 5 1.40 O Shaughesey 7/2
Race 6 2.05 Aferdita 5/4
Race 7 2.30 Breezy Money 2/1
Race 8 2.55 In Honor Of Autism 3/1

GYTO US Notebook Double

Race 9 Gulfstream Park 10.07 Fulanito NOTEBOOK

Race 5 Santa Anita 11.02 Missile Cruiser NOTEBOOK

Pays 10/1!

Evening Lucky 15

I know you guys love a Lucky 15 so these are 4 horses we think will go close Stateside tonight (includes my Notebook bets). Pays 140/1!

GYTO US Lucky 15

Race 6 Keeneland 8.40 Satin Blue VALUE TIP

Race 7 Belmont At The Big A 8.49 National Archive EYE CATCHER

Race 9 Gulfstream Park 10.07 Fulanito NOTEBOOK

Race 5 Santa Anita 11.02 Missile Cruiser NOTEBOOK

Pays 140/1!

Evening Mega Acca

I also have a Mega Acca for the racing Stateside tonight. Includes my best bets (both NAP and NB). Pays 14/1!

GYTO US Mega Acca

Race 4 Belmont At The Big A 7.14 Cruise To Catalina

Race 3 Woodbine 7.20 Brengungirl NEXT BEST

Race 8 Belmont At The Big A 9.20 Theresasilverlinin NAP

Race 3 Santa Anita 10.00 Big Gain

Pays 14/1!